Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Catch-Up and Sept Quickies

I ended up buying fourteen comics last month. I'm just gonna quickly review them since I'm SO far behind. JUST reviews and any special thoughts.

DC Comics:

Action Comics #1-Grant Morrison, Rags Morales, & Rick Bryant- I really enjoyed this issue. Probably partially because I loved the Smallville tv show and this definitely reminds me of it. 8/10

Aquaman #1-Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado- While I really loved the art and the fact that I got to see Aquaman in a seafood restaurant, I didn't enjoy that the entire issue was people talking about how he's their least favorite super-hero. Plus there wasn't much action. 7/10

Batman #1-Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, & Jonathan Glapion-Art was good, story was good, it had a GREAT cliffhanger. Nothing was missing...we even got to see a Batman/Joker team-up! Even if it was Dick in a disguise. 8.5/10

Batman: The Dark Knight #1-Paul Jenkins, David Finch, & Richard Friend- Art was great, story was interesting, up until the very end... "One-face"!?!?!?!?!? What the hell is that supposed to be!? Will NOT be picking up #2. 5/10

Batman and Robin #1-Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, & Mick Gray- Decent story, nice art, I'm content with this issue, plus NoBody seems to be like a decent villain. Just not that interesting or hooking enough to keep me around for another issue. 7/10

Batgirl #1-Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf, & Vicente Cifuentes- Loved it. I didn't realize how much I'd love Babs as Batgirl after having read the last issue of the previous Batgirl volume with Stephanie and I immediately fell in love. But the story was good, the fact that she had still been shot by the Joker is good, the art was great. Loved it. 9/10

Green Lantern: New Guardians #1-Tony Bedard, Tyler Kirkham, & Batt- I love the creative team. I love Tyler Kirkham art. I love Kyle Rayner. What could be better? Adding in the rest of the emotional spectrum? It's great. I loved a semi-humorous look at Kyle's first flight with the ring and the cliffhanger was good. 9/10

Justice League International #1-Dan Jurgens, Aaron Lopresti, & Matt Ryan- I am loving this. I wish it was Judd Winick writing, but I love the entire line-up. Its all very fun and interesting. Its powerful, its interesting, its International! 10/10

Red Lanterns #1-Peter Milligan, Ed Benes, Rob Hunter- DEFINITELY MY FAVORITE RELAUNCH SERIES. I was very wary of this series since it was two creators who had never worked on these guys before, but it worked really well. I always thought of Atrocitus as a complete dick but now I feel for him. Wow...never thought I'd be saying that. Feeling for Atrocitus? YES! 20/10

Teen Titans #1-Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth, & Norm Rapmund- A series that I wasn't really sure about. I mean Brett Booth is a good artist and I've never read Lobdell's stuff before, but I was very very happy. I can't wait for the homosexual, hispanic teen super-hero coming in issue #3. 8.5/10

Marvel Comics:

New Avengers Annual-Brian Michael Bendis & Gabriele Dell'otto- It was alright. I thought it was the one leading into the current "New Avengers" story arc. By the time I figured that out, I was already home having payed &5 for it. Not worth five. It was good, though. It ended with saying "To be continued in: Avengers Annual 2011" and I was not "Oh hell no." 6/10

I also read Ultimate Comics: X-Men #1 but I dont feel like reviewing it. It was good enough for me to buy #2. I'll review that soon. Like in a few days. It gets a 6.5/10

Thanks for reading!